Day by Day cartoon

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thursday Three Time and Funny Clothes!

SkinnyDan has the questions for today's Thursday Three, and as it is, (or might be) the season finale, I better jump in early. Unlike most weeks where I might get around to responding to the Thursday Three on Friday- or never. So, to the questions!

1) What is, or was, your favorite style of dress, or a particular item of clothing you remember fondly from childhood?
As a child, I had two jackets that I really liked at two different times. The first was a light blue baseball jacket with red and white elastic cuffs on the sleeves and bottom of the jacket. I wasn't a big baseball player but that jacket always felt pretty cool. Later, it was the dark blue, Ford Mustang, Autolite jacket with the standup collar and the red and white racing stripes. It was just like the jacket Mario Andretti wore in the advertisement in the Hot Rod magazine! I think my dad and I even each had one of those jackets and I thought that was pretty cool when we wore them someplace together.
2) What style of dress do you remember being humiliated by as a kid, but your mother made you wear anyway?
The red snowboots! At first, I hated the red plastic overboots that mom bought for me to keep my shoes dry going to school. They were red! Black, 5-buckle boots were acceptable but apparently the store was out of my size. Instead I got red boots with the little elastic loop to fasten. Those boots did turn out to have one advantage, discovered after school. They were the best sliding boots when we played on the driveway of the unfinished house across the street. We loved to run and slide and a sloped concrete driveway was great entertainment. Those red boots beat everybody else's boots!
3) What dress style/clothing choice do you remember as being unbelievably cool at the time that now makes you cringe? Would you actually burn pictures of yourself in the outfit if you ran across them now?
Hmm, as a teenager in the 70s, I had a very purple shirt that I loved to wear with a pure white tie and grey or black slacks. Terry might forgive me, since it was a long time ago and I'm no longer wearing the same style to the food court for lunch and coming under his sartorial scrutiny!

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